by Alexandria O’Brien
James “Jim” Allen Logue was born in Camden, New Jersey during
July of 1947. He was an only child, but found many interests to occupy
the time of his childhood. Among those was photography, particularly
portraits of people, which would become a lifelong passion before he
knew it. In his interview, he fondly recalls a Brownie Hawkeye as his
first camera model and the memories of carrying it with him on school
field trips. Starting in junior high and into high school, Jim submitted
Polaroid pictures taken at school events – football games, parades, etc. -
to the school and local newspapers for print.
After graduating high school, Jim attended the Brooks Institute of
Photography in Santa Barbra, California. Back in his hometown - while
still enrolled in classes at Glassboro State College - he opened his own
studio, operating out of Pitman Camera Stop and began his career in
professional photography. The subjects of his photos around this time,
were yearbook photos of college campuses and senior graduations.
While working and finishing his college degree, Jim received a
letter in the mail drafting him to serve in the United States' Army. Due
to his enrollment in college, he appealed these orders but was denied.
He recalls boarding a bus with 7 other men from his county one Tuesday
morning, then being taken to a facility where he passed his physical
examination. Then, his 8 weeks of basic training began in Fort Dix, New
Jersey. Following this, he spent 8 weeks in Fort Lewis, Washington State
finishing the Advanced Infantry Training program. Jim was flown to
Vietnam after his training was complete, alone despite the men who
had boarded with him. He was off into the unknown now, with not even
one familiar face to go with him.
But, he did have his camera.
I didn’t ask Jim a terrible number of questions about the years that
he served, but I did get some interesting information about the process of
sending and receiving film during that time. Film then, was kept in metal
canisters that were waterproof – which he notes being most important as
it rained everyday for the first 6-7 months. Each roll of film contained
20-36 frames for photos, and it only took 6 days total for him to send the
roll home to his father for printing and receive a proof sheet and a new
roll of film back.
When his company members would review the proof sheet with
him, they would ask if a copy could be made for them to send home to
their loved ones. For 50 cents, Jim would take their address and have a
copy made back at home and then mailed to the family of the soldier that
paid for it. He notes that this was special for his dad, to also have a
network of parents around the country whose son was also away at war.
After his service was complete, Jim returned home once again and
reopened his studio at Pitman Camera Stop. He worked on college and
high school yearbooks for a time, for Yearbook Associates a division of
Hallmark Color Labs in Miller Falls, Massachusetts and then Segal
Majestic, Inc. in Baltimore, Maryland. Jim had two children, a son and
daughter in his first marriage to Deanna Baum. He married his second
wife, Jeanne Delaney in 1981 and had two daughters with her. They will
celebrate their 42 nd wedding anniversary this year. Jim continued
working with Segal Majestic, on a new project, Elegant Images. Where
He established more photography studios, 23 total across the country.
He worked with Sony Corporation on digital photography. And he also
worked as a photographer at the US Naval Academy. For a decade
beginning in 1980, he took pictures of all the midshipmen, there and
activities, etc.
Forty years after his time in the Vietnam war ended, Jim began to
sort through the photos he had taken in the field. He self-published a
book through Blurb of 415 wartime photos at the advice of his good
friend (and former company member) Ben Perry and his psychologist.
The book was taken to an Fort Benning, Georgia, where he was
attending a Thirty First Infantry reunion. There he met Gary Ford. Gary
was an author, trying to identify a member of Jim’s company. After
seeing Jim’s book he ask if he was willing to work with him on a future
The project, which would later be known as Rain in Our Hearts,
began in 2011. Over the span of the next 5 years, Gary and Jim would
travel across the country to interview 71 living company members that
were willing to be featured in their book. They would ask questions
about the veteran’s life before the war, recall memories that brought
laughter and tears, and meet their family if they were present.
Unfortunately, there were many people he found that had passed away,
which he says was hard for him. But Gary and Jim did contact and visit
the families of the soldiers that had died during the war, and were able to
provide them pictures and stories of the young men that they had lost.
This was a rewarding experience for them.
When asked his most meaningful photos taken, Jim responded
that those shot during his service in Vietnam are dear to him. Unlike the
ones that were taken by the press, showing the ugliness of battle, Jim’s
photos capture the company’s daily life in the field. They serve as a reminder
that there was more to that time than war and very real people involved.
*Rain in Our Hearts showcases over 100 pictures taken by Jim during
his service, but he has almost 2,700 in total. These photos are stored in
the Texas Tech University, Vietnam Center and Archive.
*For more information about Jim’s time in the war, his company
member’s stories, or the exhibit Rain in Our Hearts please come by the
Galveston County Museum for a tour this summer (2023) and be sure to
purchase a copy of Gary Ford’s book, Rain in Our Hearts.

Pictured left to right: Gary Ford, Jim Logue, Rain in Our Hearts