Meet our
Beverly davis
Volunteer Beverly Davis was raised in Tyler, Texas before beginning her undergraduate education at Texas A&M University. She graduated with a degree in Education 1990, then began her teaching career in the Bryan/College Station area afterwards. Later, she returned to school and graduated from the University of North Texas with a Masters in Technology & Cognition in 2006. Only a year ago did she retire from teaching and moved to Galveston. Having many good memories of visiting Galveston on family vacations growing up and becoming a frequent weekender in 2016, Beverly decided to take some much-needed time for herself enjoy the Island year-round. While changing her voter registration at the Galveston County Courthouse last year, she discovered the Galveston County Museum. In her discussion with the museum’s director following her tour, she discovered that GCM was in need of volunteers. Since then, she has been giving her time to maintaining the museum and preserving Galveston’s history.

Kurt Klaus
Volunteer Kurt Klaus hails from Michigan, where he worked as a geologist in the oil and gas industry. A dream of his was to work for NASA and he received that opportunity in 1989 when he took a position in computer support at a data center in Houston, TX. This eventually led him to the role of Chief Exploration Scientist in Boeing’s Space Exploration Division. After retiring in 2015, Kurt moved to Galveston and is able to spend more time doing things he loves such as playing instruments (guitar and banjo) and spending time with his friends. Wanting to further enjoy his free time, he began searching for local volunteer opportunities and discovered the Galveston County Museum was in need of them through an ad in the Daily News. For almost one year now, he has dedicated a lot of time to many projects and the library at GCM.
Help us preserve Galveston's history by volunteering
The small museum staff relies on volunteers from the community to make the museum successful. Volunteer opportunities include:
Greeting visitors to the exhibit hall (especially on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 to 4)
Helping with special events
Digitizing historical documents and photos
And more!
If you are interested, please complete the online form and someone from the museum staff will contact you.
Other ways to help
If you do not have the availability to volunteer but would like to help the Galveston County Museum in other ways - you can!
Please visit our donation page to find out more information on how you can support monetarily. More importantly, if you have any historical items that can be displayed in our museum - please contact us so that delivery can be arranged. GCM's archives and exhibits are growing rapidly thanks to amazing contributions such as these!